Hi again all gutterfood readers. Ah Wok is back again with
anudder post. This one abit more femes place called Lala Chong.
Is in some kampung call kayu ara near damansara jaya there
wan and the road to go in is super the lousy. Many hole here
there until my car esobar oso can spoil wan.

This place really many people come wan. When many people come
mean got high chance no go up car so i no nid to sked so much.
Unfortunately, this is not the case here if not i not write this liao.

I order in total 7 thing. This is taufu kang. I posted before
long ago same dish i eated in klang where it look like some
radiated starch thing. Here no radiate but here they put
many salt. So many many until become like ham choy sup.

If you dun belip me, you see this my friend bowl. He add so
much vinegar until look like kicap. He say to kill salty taste
must add more vinegar if not later sure hair drop off alot,
FFFUUUU. Sure laosai wan him. HAAHHAAHA.

This here is deer meat in black pepper. Is another failed dish
that is soooo fail until you can go hospital wan. Why ? The deer
meat got freezer smell and also i think they use marjerin to fry
Come on la, use marjerin fry is bad for health wan you know.

This is lala chong most femes signature jiu pai dish. Is lala.
Here the taste ok-ok can pass. But problem is this plate is
RM 15. If i go elsewhere order same dish which is this superior
soup base siong thong lala for RM 15, i get more lala. And i also
get same taste. I dunno why people say fantastic, i eated this
at everywhere also almost taste same. Here they more expense
only. Why more expense ? Coz this is lala chong place ma.

The green vegetable i no complain also. Is choy sum. If choy sum
can fail means something wrong jor.

This next dish is fail. Is actually not deer meat coz the deer
meat i post liao. This is prawn. Is my RM 35 prawn. Look like
deer meat, taste like deer meat. I think they fry together to
save time wan. Also is got marjerin taste. And the prawn is
small. You see piktar you oredi can tell. Confirm you also this
prawn is not fresh wan. I wasted i should order the lai liu har
which i see swimming in the akuarium behind me. This is damn
expense and damn shitbrix. Look also dunno like what,
how to enjoy la ?

This one is another ultimate fail. Sweet sour crab. I got a few
compren this crab. Sweet also dun have, sour also dun have.
Crab is i think last month keep until now coz when eated that
time ah, the crab meat all stick to shell wan. Crab when u cook
fresh ah, easy to peel, 1 time all meat come out. This one very
mafan to eat. U peel the shell all stick so u kopek the shell out
bit by bit. Really make u work for your food. But the sos really
ah, aiyooooo i think i put maggi kicap also better taste than this.

This is super oily fry bun with plastik paper still stick at bottom.
If you dun belip me, next time u come here order this. Got plastik
stick at bottom of bun wan. See also sked, touch that time super
oily. Where got i wan eated this la. Summore dip with what wor ?
The crab sos ??? I DIP KICAP ALSO BETTER AH. But no, i value
my health so i no touch this plastik oily bun. I sked.

My bill. Very con job i tell you. Lala is expense, prawn is expense,
crab is quite normal price since here is pj but fuah, after cook and i
eated, is consider super expense. Deer meat and taufu kang is really

To cut short tl;dr version, the lala is not fantastic. My green vegetable
also is can eated. My deer meat is shitbrix, taufu kang is not for
human drink wan, crab is not for human eated wan, super oily plastik
bun is for play game wan and the prawn is go up car wan.
5 dish bad, 2 dish ok. Oh and you see my resit, i got no 2x titbit coz i early
early rejek say i dowan eat their kacang and mango. But they still charge
me. And then i oso dunno why i pay RM 16 tax money. And i also
no eated 4 rice. Only got 3 bowl. I lazy wan argue i pay and i curse
kau them instead coz kampung area better dun play play. After kenot
drive out i sked. Oh btw, my gf also no follow me here coz she go to
holiday eated singapore femes chiken rice which is also shud be in
this blog wan.
Lala Chong
Kampung Kayu Ara PJ
N3 07.446 E101 36.479