Last week my friend bring me to this place in Kuala Selangor
to eated some sifud. Is not very far but the road dark dark
no light. Is beside the river and he say the food here is bestest
because is cheap.

This restoran is full of fails. If i writed in this blog is means
is full of fails. All those good good one no need me writed in
here liao.

You see my bihun ? Is dryyyyyyy. He order lala fry bihun
which got no taste. Why ? Because the lala fry bihun is cip.
So they sell you cheap thing but not give u taste. Shitbrix
i tell you !

I order hong kong kailan. THIS IS NOT Hong Kong
KAILAN. Any blind fella also know what kailan look
like. I say i wan Hong Kong Kailan ching chau. Why
is my kailan become choy sum and why ching chau
is become with gravy and alot of pepper ????? All of
my friend know i oni eated kailan wan. No other vege.
The staff here either blind or no brain.

This is scallop. Is the bestest scallop in the world
because the scallop so small all cover with ginger
and pepper you eated that time also you dunno is
scallop. So i no call this scallop dish. I call this
the ginger and pepper dish coz i oni eated that.

This is bamboo lala or people call chuk tan. Is the
most unpopular dish here coz you eat oredi sure
confirm is shitbrix. I think got more shell than the
meat coz i and my friend oni got find 6 with lala.
The rest all is kosong wan. Kena go up car jor.
This is marmite sotong. You put 1 sotong into
mouth and you will spit out. No need me describe
anything else jor coz i put 1 inside mouth and i end
up at klinik liao.

This is our RM40 per kg crab. Nowaday can get 1kg
crab in pj area, why need to come here pay same price
for 1kg ??? Summore you all beside river no need lori
send the crab to pj also wan cas people expense ????
You see the color ? We order is butter crab. That look
more like shit color than butter color. The taste also
very weird. They add kari powder to make taste like
shit and look even more like shit. 1kg crab they give
many crab all small small crab. Why ? Coz the crab no
meat so they weigh that time is 1kg of shell and no
meat. Again here we go up car jor.

Our bill. I wish i can paying more so i get proper
food. Why i go so far to eated so lousy gutter food
when i can eated nearby ? Is coz Ah Wok friend
bring Ah Wok go up car.

Remember this shit restoran. Never ever come here !
Riverview Seafood Restaurant
Kuala Selangor
N3 20.889 E101 15.100