Many many year i not have eated A&W oredi. So
i passing by this new A&W in SS2 there go in with
my gf. I telling her this A&W is means Amburger &
Wootbeer. She not have belip me.

Order wootbeer but is come no gas like kosong.
I is drink color sugar water oni.

Then i order this new thing on menu call double
fortune burger. They is want make like Mcdonald
prosperity burger except this one is shitbrix food.
The burger you see is have no taste and not look
good. I have to use many paket cili sos so can have
taste. That why you see the pikture got many paket
of cili sos. They oredi know is i will need using it.

My gf order this coz she is sked cannot eated finish
and if cannot eated finish is let me scold.
They say is light snak for tea time and price is not
cheap. Here they generous give me many cili sos
They say is light snak for tea time and price is not
cheap. Here they generous give me many cili sos
until is like flood. So i no nid open cili sos pakets coz
they sked i no energy open becoz of my burger.
My gf regret order this, the bun is dry and taste
like is 5 day old. The sosej is cold not becoz of air
cond but is becoz of not fry properly. The cheese
they give 1 slice but not have taste. The sos they
give so many until eat need use 2 paket tisu paper.
AnW always is serve the flat root beer one. go fly kite la.
this AnW i oso long time want to complain d... their quality is getting sucks as time goes by...
AnW is really low quality fastfood
I love your blog! All we food blogger talk about is "this is nice and that is great". Great to have a shitbrix reviewer on our team to tell us what to stay away from!
Keep it up!
"Here they generous give me many cili sos
until is like flood. So i no nid open cili sos pakets coz
they sked i no energy open becoz of my burger."
ROFL.. Keep em' coming!! =)
The new A&W outlet at SS2? Eat at A&W how can you order a burger? Looks like the quality at the KLCC outlet much better... Unless you wanna compare America's A&W.
LOL the cili sos part is really funny xD
oh yea, keep em coming
lan ciao lah... where got so bad? u want right right properly, later nobody believe your lanciao blog
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