I walked round and round searching high and low, shallow and dip for a naise western food restaurant and this particular one - Cavell got aunty standing there asking me to eated. I see she so damn cham no customer so i gip her face n try loh.
But leh, something happened and make me haz a sad. We sitting at one place, but she asking us to move our butt to the next table because saying we blocking other ppl walk. We not want but she asking her staff to move us. FFFFUUUUUUU.
That is where the bo song-ness start liao. The mushroom soup originally taste like no human eated one. but since we oledi bo song it became not cat eat one.

pic somewhat related
Wah, the spageti. The spageti i tell you don't pray pray. It is so salty until any alim person can become hamsap even with 1 mouthful. Danger. Don't eated if you are girl and go eated arone with a guy. Ah Kiang given you warning liao.
Then my argentina steak. I dunno why it is called argentina steak. Maybe the cook is from the argentina? or the beef is argentina came one. No care la. I no enjoice it because the argentina cook overfly the argentina beef until it hard like argentina rubber.
Then when i paying the bill i shit brix because it is so expense for lousy food. I tell you ah, ada wang also don't come here eated please. Simply because, Ah Kiang say no good means no good™.
lol funny la.. awesome blog btw. ^^
tenkiu for yr kind komen. Pls come again ya ^^
nice blog dude.funny also
Gud raiting. You can rite gud england. Easy to understood one. keep up the gud wok bruder...
I can't understand the English you used.
We iz spesial, use spesial ingrish.
jew no understanding yr pasal, Mr Nazi.
Guys, I just found this blog. Omg, I LOVE it! Seriously hilarious!
Bookmarked! :D
Thanks for the good work, it is much appreciated. XD
awesome post. kip up der gud work!
btw, damn nice pun u gave as a reply to Grammar Nazi. hahaha!!
Nazi... Jew... hahahaha!!! :D
NIce site!!
"so salty until any alim person can become hamsap even with 1 mouthful"
---> i laughed till i shit brix after reading this!
what "shit brix" mean ah ?
you must suffering from hypertension since you take so little salt...
tension and easily steamed people like you, whoever you are, should only stick to your bowl tasteless white rice and "steamed and steamed only" crap rather than commenting on food you abso-freakin-lutely can't eat and doubtfully can cook to begin with...
People like u who do not know how to appreciate good food and a good environment should stay in a jungle and not come out of it. You will only be suitable in places like Cheras and some Ah Beng places. Mushroom soup not edible - I think you drink too much chinese herb soup to begin with. I have been to Cavell's many times and I love the place and the food and the hospitality they offer. You muz be damn stupid to comment on things like this. Grow up man!
Mistery so you're telling me cheras is low class place? Get a life dude you're . Just because you're not staying in cheras area doesnt shows you're anyone. Cheap dude!
damn fcking funny blog...! i really love the jokes.......!
Your blog is distasteful and just plain mean. Someone like you should be banned from every outdoor eatery there is on the face of the earth because you don't appreciate good food. Actually you don't appreciate food at all. Period. I had a good meal and great service when I was there recently.
You should learn some etiquette and manners cause I bet you weren't taught any by the way you make such rude remarks! Terrible young lad you are! Shame on you!
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